
The Art of Learning

Last week I found myself in Berivoi, Romania. After a week of intense travel over to Switzerland, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew it was the base for IMPACT (a ministry that runs camp meetings and events to encourage young people), that they are in the process of starting a training school, that they have an epic garden, that they were working on construction projects on the property, and that it is situated in a beautiful place at the base of the mountains. I knew the basics of what they did, but I didn’t know the whys or everyone that was involved. The first day I was there, a group of us met for morning worship and breakfast in the outdoor shaded area. It was simple. Afterwards everyone went to their tasks, getting out the tools needed for what they were building and started planning out the best way to do things. I did a lot of observing that day. It was the affirmations given, the gentle suggestions and leading, the laughing, the contentment, the team work, the willingness to...

Learning to Understand "Waiting Well"

As I sat at the base of the Matterhorn, waiting and watching the clouds as they danced around the tip. The hope was for it to clear and have an amazing view, like I’ve seen in the pictures. But I only had 20mins before the bus I needed to catch was coming, and I couldn’t do anything to move those clouds along. I’ve been thinking about waiting well. Recently I have binge listened to Heather Day Thompsons books “It’s Not Your Turn” and “I’ll See You Tomorrow”. A common theme in the first one is the art of “waiting well”. She shares the example of having a flight delay (which stood out to me as I travelled across the globe!). Should we get frustrated that things aren’t going how we thought they would, or be grateful the pilot and crew are making sure everything is actually safe for our flight? It would be way better to have a delay now, then to have an accident that could’ve been avoided later. Taking due diligence. In life, how do we actually wait well though? I was at Spiez train statio...

Journey of this Australian Girl, Turned World Traveller

 I’m on a journey. Sometimes life gets hectic.  I am a big believer in the importance of “coming apart to rest a while”. So what did I decide to do? Quit my part-time job, jump on a plane and travel around the world! Why such a radical step? I need time out. I need to step back and refocus. To remember where I am going and what’s the best way to get there. A few things I hope to accomplish as I observe the environment around me, reflect on all things life and make new friends and experiences: 1. Appreciate myself and what I have to offer. I have recently been reading through Jay Shetty’s “8 Rules of Love”. He shares that, “We prepare to love by learning how to love ourselves in in solitude. Alone, we learn to understand ourselves, to heal our own pain, and to care for ourselves.” Learning to love and have genuine care and concern for those around us, has to start with being able to give that to ourselves. We can’t give what we don’t already have.  We are told in 1 Timot...